Lots of problems, but still great
This is a great game, but the tutorial pretty long doesnt explain many strategies for how to win, just how to move and attack and stuff. The tutorial should also not be mandatory every time you start a game, because it can get tedious and boring.
Also, I think that the spies should have more practical use in combat against NPCs. Its really annoying when I lose all my bunkers to the enemies and they start spawning in my trench just because a spy gets past. Since NPCs dont build bunkers, theres no point in using a spy single player, because you can t steal a spawn point. Please fix this to make spies a balanced class that doesnt completely destroy player characters while doing nothing against NPCs.
Enemies should not be able to spam the artillery. It gets obnoxious, because artillery becomes more dangerous than enemies. The AI should be improved so that the enemies dont need to rely on artillery for their main attack. Since enemies never cluster. There s no point in using money on an artillery strike, so artillery is another imbalanced gameplay mechanic.
I would like to see enemy bunkers, and more enemy troops. They shouldnt send out medics and mechanics as front-line troops, and they should use riflemen less. Riflemen should be used to protect snipers and tanks, and max difficulty should be harder. Basically, make AI think like a PC.
Also, troop cool downs should be way smaller, so you can use more troops. You should not have 5000 coins while you watch your enemy destroy your bunker because your troops havent cooled down yet.
One last thing: charge and retreat are good, but having "charge or retreat to the next cover location" or group movements would be better. Then you dont have to start a charge or retreat every time you get an artillery strike, leading to you right into the line of fire.
With these edits I would easily give this game 5 stars and I think a lot of other people would do the same.
Lt. Commander Worf about
Trenches II